
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Automobile Scenario of India Essay

The automotive labor in India is one of the largest in the humans and one of the hurrying evolution glob solelyy. India manufactures e actuallywhere 17. 5 jillion fomites (including 2 wheeled and 4 wheeled) and merchandises nearly 2. 33 jillion every year. It is the worlds second largest producer of gocycles, with annual gross gross sales exceeding 8. 5 million in 2009. Indias rider gondola and mercenary fomite manufacturing attention is the seventh largest in the world, with an annual production of more than 3. 7 million units in 2010. consort to recent reports, India is set to everywheretake Brazil to become the sixth largest rider vehicle producer in the world, maturation 16-18 per cent to sell or so triple million units in the course of 2011-12 In 2009, India emerged as Asias fourth largest exporter of passenger railcars, behind Japan, in the south Korea, and Thailand. As of 2010, India is home to 40 million passenger vehicles and more than 3. 7 million automotive vehicles were produced in India in 2010 (an maturation of 33. 9%), making the farming the second fastest outgrowth auto marketplace in the world.According to the Society of Indian elevator car Manufacturers, annual car sales argon projected to increase up to 5 million vehicles by 2015 and more than 9 million by 2020. By 2050, the country is expected to top the world in car volumes with approximately 611 million vehicles on the nations roads. The preponderant products of the exertion be dickens wheelwrights with a market administer of everyplace 75% and passenger cars with a market shargon of active 16%. technical vehicles and three wheelers shargon closely 9% of the market between them.About 91% of the vehicles sold argon used by households and only if about 9% for mercenary purposes. The industry has attained a upset of more than USD 35 million and provides direct and indirect duty to over 13 million pot. The translate chain of this indust ry in India is very correspondent to the supply chain of the automotive industry in atomic take 63 and America. This may present its receive set of opportunities and threats. The nightspots of the industry arise from the crapper of the supply chain i. e. , from the consumers and go through the automakers and climbs up until the troika grad suppliers.However the products, as channeled in every traditional automotive industry, take to the woods from the top of the supply chain to r all(prenominal) the consumers. Interestingly, the direct of trade exports in this sector in India has been medium and imports have been low. However, this is rapidly changing and some(prenominal) exports and imports are increase. The demand determinants of the industry are factors the resembling affordability, product knowledgeableness, al-Qaida and price of provoke. Also, the basis of competition in the sector is high and increase, and its livelihood cycle stage is product.With a rapidly g rowing middle class, all the payoffs of this sector in India are yet to be leveraged. Note that, with a high personify of developing production facilities, limited accessibility to saucy engineering and soaring competition, the barriers to enter the Indian self-propelling sector are high. On the other hand, India has a well-developed tax structure. The power to levy taxes and duties is distri plainlyed among the three tiers of Government. The constitute structure of the industry is fairly traditional, but the profitability of motor vehicle manufacturers has been rising over the past five years.Major players, like Tata travels and Maruti Suzuki have material woo of about 80% but are recording profits after tax of about 6% to 11%. The level of technology change in the move vehicle application has been high but, the rate of change in technology has been medium. investing in the technology by the producers has been high. System-suppliers of integrated components and sub-systems have become the set out of the day. However, but investment in new technologies impart help the industry be more competitive. Over the past few years, the industry has been volatile.Currently, Indias increasing per capita disposable income which is expected to rise by 106% by 2015 and ingathering in exports is playing a major(ip) office in the rise and scrap of the industry. Tata gets is lede the commercial vehicle segment with a market share of about 64%. Maruti Suzuki is leading the passenger vehicle segment with a market share of 46%. 18 Hyundai Motor India and Mahindra and Mahindra are focusing expanding their stride in the foreign market. Hero Honda Motors is occupying over 41% and sharing 26%18 of the two wheeler market in India with Bajaj Auto.Bajaj Auto in itself is occupying about 58% of the three wheeler market. Consumers are very important of the excerpt of the Motor fomite manufacturing industry. In 2008-09, client sentiment dropped, which burned on the augme ntation in demand of cars. Steel is the major input used by manufacturers and the rise in price of steel is putting a cost pressure on manufacturers and cost is getting transferred to the end consumer. The price of oil colour and petrol affect the driving habits of consumers and the type of car they buy.The mainstay to advantage in the industry is to improve trade union movement productivity, labour flexibility, and capital efficiency. Having musical note hands, infrastructure improvements, and raw material availability also play a major role. Access to latest and or so efficient technology and techniques give bring competitive advantage to the major players. Utilising manufacturing plants to optimum level and sagacity implications from the governing body policies are the essentials in the Automotive Industry of India. Both, Industry and Indian Government are obligated to intervene the Indian Automotive industry.The Indian government should facilitate infrastructure creat ion, draw palmy and predictable contrast environment, attract investment and promote research and suppuration. The role of Industry pass on primarily be in chassising and manufacturing products of maiden feeling establishing cost competitiveness and improving productivity in labour and in capital. With a combined effort, the Indian Automotive industry go out emerge as the destination of choice in the world for design and manufacturing of simple machines. History The premier(prenominal) car ran on Indias roads in 1897.Until the 1930s, cars were imported directly, but in very small numbers. Embryonic automotive industry emerged in India in the 1940s. Mahindra & Mahindra was established by two brothers as a job confederacy in 1945, and began assembly of Jeep CJ-3A utility vehicles under freedom from Willys The connection soon branched out into the manufacture of light commercial vehicles (LCVs) and agricultural tractors. Following the independence, in 1947, the Governmen t of India and the private sector launched efforts to create an automotive component manufacturing industry to supply to the move industry.However, the growth was comparatively slow in the 1950s and 1960s due to nationalisation and the authorise raj which hampered the Indian private sector. after 1970, the automotive industry started to grow, but the growth was mainly driven by tractors, commercial vehicles and scooters. Cars were still a major luxury. Japanese manufacturers entered the Indian market ultimately leading to the establishment of Maruti Udyog. A number of foreign firms initiated joint take chancess with Indian companies. In the 1980s, a number of Japanese manufacturers launched joint-ventures for building bicycles and light commercial-vehicles.It was at this time that the Indian government chose Suzuki for its joint-venture to manufacture small cars. Following the economic liberalisation in 1991 and the inactive weakening of the license raj, a number of Indian and multi-national car companies launched operations. Since then, automotive component and automobile manufacturing growth has accelerated to digest domestic and export demands. 21 Following economic liberalization in India in 1991, the Indian automotive industry has demonstrated sustained growth as a extend of increase competitiveness and relaxed restrictions.Several Indian automobile manufacturers such as Tata Motors, Maruti Suzuki and Mahindra and Mahindra, expanded their domestic and international operations. Indias robust economic growth led to the further expansion of its domestic automobile market which has attracted square India-specific investment by multinational automobile manufacturers. 22 In February 2009, monthly sales of passenger cars in India exceeded 100,000 units23 and has since grown rapidly to a record monthly high of 182,992 units in October 2009.24 Objectives of champaign Since the Auto Component industry is growing substantially, it is very important to know and identify how the industry is growing and creating its own place in the industrial sector helping the economy to grow. So the objectives of the study are 1. To understand and analyse the current status of Indian locomote Industry. 2. To Analyse the trends in the automobile industry in India. 3. To study the growth potential and challenges faced by automobile industry in India. grocery store and its Growth.The automotive industry of India is categorised into passenger cars, two wheelers, commercial vehicles and three wheelers, with two wheelers dominating the market. More than 75% of the vehicles sold are two wheelers. Nearly 59% of these two wheelers sold were motorcycles and about 12% were scooters. Mopeds occupy a small portion in the two wheeler market however galvanic two wheelers are yet to penetrate. The passenger vehicles are further reason into passenger cars, utility vehicles and multi-purpose vehicles. all(prenominal) sedan, hatchback, rate wagon and sports cars fall under passenger cars.Tata Nano, is the worlds cheapest passenger car, manufactured by Tata Motors a leading automaker of India. Multi-purpose vehicles or people-carriers are similar in shape to a van and are taller than a sedan, hatchback or a station wagon, and are designed for upper limit interior room. Utility vehicles are designed for specific tasks. The passenger vehicles manufacturing chronicle for about 15% of the market in India. moneymaking(prenominal) vehicles are categorized into heavy, medium and light. They account for about 5% of the market.Three wheelers are categorized into passenger carriers and goods carriers. Three wheelers account for about 4% of the market in India. Domestic Market dower for 2010-11(%) passenger fomites 16. 25 mercantile Vehicles 4. 36 Three Wheelers 3. 39 twain Wheelers 76. 00 Source Society of Indian Automotive Manufacturing (SIAM) GROSS TURNOVER OF THE AUTOMOBILEINDUSTRY IN INDIA Year (IN USD MILLION) 2004-05 20,896 2005-06 27,011 2006-07 34,285 2007-08 36,612 2008-09 38,238 The production of automobiles has greatly increased in the last decade. gondola Production.Automobile Production Trends (Number of Vehicles) Category 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Passenger Vehicles 1,209,876 1,309,300 1,545,223 1,777,583 1,838,593 2,357,411 2,987,296 Commercial Vehicles 353,703 391,083 519,982 549,006 416,870 567,556 752,735 Three Wheelers 374,445 434,423 556,126 500,660 497,020 619,194 799,553 dickens Wheelers 6,529,829 7,608,697 8,466,666 8,026,681 8,419,792 10,512,903 13,376,451 Grand Total 8,467,853 9,743,503 11,087,997 10,853,930 11,172,275 14,057,064 17,916,035 Automobile Sales.Automobile Domestic Sales Trends(Number of Vehicles) Category 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Passenger Vehicles 1,061,572 1,143,076 1,379,979 1,549,882 1,552,703 1,951,333 2,520,421 Commercial Vehicles 318,430 351,041 467,765 490,494 384,194 532,721 676,408 Three Wheelers 30 7,862 359,920 403,910 364,781 349,727 440,392 526,022 Two Wheelers 6,209,765 7,052,391 7,872,334 7,249,278 7,437,619 9,370,951 11,790,305 Grand Total 7,897,629 8,906,428 10,123,988 9,654,435 9,724,243 12,295,397 15,513,156 .Automobile Exports Automobile Exports Trends(Number of Vehicles) Category 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Passenger Vehicles 166,402 175,572 198,452 218,401 335,729 446,145 453,479 Commercial Vehicles 29,940 40,600 49,537 58,994 42,625 45,009 76,297 Three Wheelers 66,795 76,881 143,896 141,225 148,066 173,214 269,967 Two Wheelers 366,407 513,169 619,644 819,713 1,004,174 1,140,058 1,539,590 Grand Total 629,544 806,222 1,011,529 1,238,333 1,530,594 1,804,426 2,339,333 Supply Chain of Automobile Industry.The supply chain of automotive industry in India is very similar to the supply chain of the automotive industry in Europe and America. The orders of the industry arise from the bottom of the supply chain i. e. , from the consu mers and go through the automakers and climbs up until the third tier suppliers. However the products, as channelled in every traditional automotive industry, flow from the top of the supply chain to reach the consumers. Automakers in India are the key to the supply chain and are responsible for the products and innovation in the industry.The description and the role of each of the contributors to the supply chain are discussed below. Third level Suppliers These companies provide basic products like rubber, glass, steel, plastic and aluminum to the second tier suppliers. Second Tier Suppliers These companies design vehicle systems or bodies for First Tier Suppliers and OEMs( Original Equipment Manufacturers). They work on designs provided by the frontmost tier suppliers or OEMs. They also provide engineering resources for detailed designs. some(prenominal) of their services may include welding, fabrication, shearing, bending etc. First Tier Suppliers These companies provide major systems directly to assemblers. These companies have global coverage, in order to follow their customers to various locations around the world. They design and innovate in order to provide black-box solutions for the requirements of their customers. Black-box solutions are solutions created by suppliers using their own technology to meet the performance and interface requirements set by assemblers.First tier suppliers are responsible not only for the assembly of parts into complete units like dashboard, breaks-axel-suspension, seats, or cockpit but also for the management of second-tier suppliers. Automakers/Vehicle Manufacturers/Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) After researching consumers wants and needs, automakers begin designing models which are tailored to consumers demands. The design process unremarkably takes five years. These companies have manufacturing units where engines are manufactured and parts supplied by starting signal tier suppliers and second tier suppli ers are assembled.Automakers are the key to the supply chain of the automotive industry. Examples of these companies are Tata Motors, Maruti Suzuki, Toyota, and Honda. mutation, design capability and rating are the main focus of these companies. Dealers Once the vehicles are ready they are shipped to the regional branch and from there, to the authorised dealers of the companies. The dealers then sell the vehicles to the end customers. Parts and colleague These companies provide products like tires, windshields, and air bags etc. to automakers and dealers or directly to customers. utility Providers Some of the services to the customers include servicing of vehicles, alteringing parts, or financing of vehicles. galore(postnominal) dealers provide these services but, customers can also choose to go to strong-minded service providers. Indian automotive companies Chinkara Motors Beachster, Hammer, Roadster 1. 8S, Rockster, Jeepster, Sailster Hindustan Motors Ambassador ICML Rhino R x Mahindra Major, Xylo, Scorpio, Bolero, Thar, Verito, Genio prime(a) Automobiles Limited Sigma, RiO San Motors Storm Tata Motors Nano, Indica, Indica Vista, Indigo, Indigo Manza, Indigo CS, Sumo, Venture, Safari, Xenon, Aria.Foreign automotive companies in India Vehicles manufactured or assembled in India BMW India 3 series, 5 Series, X1. Fiat India (in collaborationism with Tata Motors) Grande Punto, Linea. Ford India Figo, Ikon, Fiesta, Endeavour. General Motors India Chevrolet Spark, Beat, Aveo U-VA, Aveo, Optra, Cruze, Tavera. Honda Siel Jazz, City, polite, Accord. Hyundai Motor IndiaSantro, i10, i20, Accent, Verna exchange, Sonata Transform. Land roverFreelander 2 Maruti Suzuki 800, Alto, WagonR, Estilo, A-star, Ritz, speedy, Swift DZire, SX4, Omni, Versa, Eeco, Gypsy. Mercedes-Benz India C-Class, E-Class.Mitsubishi80 (in collaboration with Hindustan Motors) Lancer, Lancer Cedia, Pajero Nissan Motor India Micra. Renault IndiaFluence Toyota Kirloskar Etios, Corolla, Inno va. Volkswagen crowd Sales India Audi India A4, A6, Q5. Skoda Auto India Fabia, Laura, Superb, Yeti. Volkswagen India Polo, Vento, Jetta, Passat. Opel was present in India until 2006. As of 2011, Opel only provides spare parts and vehicle servicing to brisk Opel vehicle owners. Vehicles brought into India as CBUs Aston Martin Vantage, Rapide, Virage, DB9, DBS, One-77. Audi A7, A8, S4, S6, S8, Q7, TT, R8, RS5.Bentley Arnage, Azure, Brooklands, Continental GT, Continental Flying Spur, Mulsanne. BMW 5 Series GT, 6 Series, 7 Series, X3, X5, X6, X6 M, M3, M5, M6 and Z4. Bugatti Veyron. Chevrolet Captiva. Ferrari California, 458 Italia, 599 GTB Fiorano, FF. Fiat 500, Bravo. General Motors Hummer H2, Hummer H3. Honda Civic Hybrid, CR-V. Hyundai Santa Fe. Jaguar XF, XJ, XK. Koenigsegg CCX, CCXR, Agera. Lamborghini Gallardo, Murcielago. Land Rover Discovery 4, Range Rover, Range Rover Sport. Maserat Quattroporte, GranTurismo, GranCabrio. Maybach 57 and 62.Mercedes-Benz CL-Class, GL-Class, M-Class, R-Class, CLS-Class, S-Class, SL-Class, SLK-Class, Viano, G-Class, SLS. Mitsubishi Montero, Outlander, Evo X. Nissan Teana, X-Trail, 370Z, GT-R. Porsche 997, Boxster, Panamera, Cayman, Cayenne, Carrera GT. Rolls Royce Ghost, Phantom, Phantom Coupe, Phantom Drophead Coupe. Skoda Yeti, Superb. Suzuki Grand Vitara, Kizashi. Toyota Prius, Camry, Fortuner*, Land cruiser, Land Cruiser Prado. Volkswagen Beetle, Tiguan, Touareg, Phaeton. Volvo S60, S80, XC60, XC90. *Toyota Fortuner is imported as a CKD kit from Toyota Motor Thailand Commercial vehicle manufacturers in IndiaIndian prints take out Hindustan Motors Premier Tata AMW Eicher Motors Joint Venture Brands VE Commercial Vehicles Limited VE Commercial Vehicles limited A JV between Volvo Groups & Eicher Motors Limited. Ashok Leyland- to begin with a JV between Ashok Motors and Leyland Motors, now 51% owned by Hinduja Group Mahindra Navistar a 5149 JV between Mahindra Group and Navistar International Swaraj Mazda original ly a JV between Punjab Tractors and Mazda, now 53. 5% owned by Sumitomo Group Kamaz Vectra A JV between Russias KaMAZ and the Vectra Group Foreign brands Volvo Tatra.MAN as a JV with Force Motors, makes MAN Trucks in India Mercedes-Benz sells luxury buses in India D necessitateler AG manufactures BharatBenz, a brand of trucks based on the Fuso and the Mercedes Benz truck platforms, which Daimler AG owns Scania Iveco Hino Isuzu Piaggio Caterpillar Inc. Electric car manufacturers in India Ajanta Group Mahindra Hero Electric REVA Tara International Tata Opel was present in India until 2006. As of 2011, Opel only provides spare parts and vehicle servicing to live Opel vehicle owners.. *Toyota Fortuner is imported as a CKD kit from Toyota Motor Thailand.Market Characteristics Market Size The Indian Automotive Industry after de-licensing in July 1991 has grown at a spectacular rate on an medium of 17% for last few years. The industry has attained a swage of USD 35. 8 billion, (INR 165,000 crores) and an investment of USD 10. 9 billion. The industry has provided direct and indirect employment to 13. 1 million people. Automobile industry is currently contributing about 5% of the total GDP of India. Indias current GDP is about USD 650 billion and is expected to grow to USD 1,390 billion by 2016.The projected sizing in 2016 of the Indian automotive industry varies between USD 122 billion and UDS 159 billion including USD 35 billion in exports. This translates into a contribution of 10% to 11% towards Indias GDP by 2016, which is more than double the current contribution. strike Determinants Determinants of demand for this industry include vehicle prices (which are determined mostly by wage, material and equipment costs) and exchange order, preferences, the running cost of a vehicle (mainly determined by the price of petrol), income, interest rates, scrapping rates, and product innovation.Exchange set up Movement in the value of Rupee determines the attractive ness of Indian products overseas and the price of import for domestic consumption. Affordability Movement in income and interest rates determine the affordability of new motor vehicles. Allowing unrestricted Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) led to increase in competition in the domestic market hence, making better vehicles available at affordable prices. Product Innovation is an important determinant as it allows better models to be available each year and also encourages manufacturing of environmental friendly cars.Demographics It is evident that high people of India has been one of the major reasons for large size of automobile industry in India. Factors that may be augment demand include rising population and an increasing proportion of young persons in the population that get out be more inclined to use and replace cars. Also, increase in people with lesser dependency on traditional single family income structure is credibly to add value to vehicle demand. Infrastructure Long er-term determinants of demand include development in Indians infrastructure.Indias banking giant State cuss of India and Australias Macquarie Group has launched an infrastructure fund to rise up to USD 3 billion for infrastructure improvements. India needs about $500 billion to repair its infrastructure such as ports, roads, and power units. These investments are been made with an aim to generate long-term cash flow from automobile, power, and telecom industries. Price of gas pedal Movement in oil prices also have an impact on demand for large cars in India.During periods of high fuel cost as experienced in 2007 and rootage half of 2008, demand for large cars declined in favour of smaller, more fuel efficient vehicles. The changing patterns in customer preferences for smaller more fuel efficient vehicles led to the launch of Tata Motors Nano one of worlds smallest and cheapest cars. Key Competitors Tata MotorsMarket Share Commercial Vehicles 63. 94%, Passenger Vehicles 16. 45%. Tata Motors Limited is Indias largest automobile company, with consolidated grosss of USD 14 billion in 2008-09. It is the leader in commercial vehicles and among the top three in passenger vehicles.Tata Motors has winning products in the compact, midsize car and utility vehicle segments. The company is the worlds fourth largest truck manufacturer, and the worlds second largest bus manufacturer with over 24,000 employees. Since first rolled out in 1954, Tata Motors as has produced and sold over 4 million vehicles in India. Maruti Suzuki India Market Share Passenger Vehicles 46. 07% Maruti Suzuki India Limited, a subordinate of Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan, is Indias largest passenger car company, accounting for over 45% of the domestic car market.The company offers a complete array of cars from entry level Maruti-800 and Alto, to stylish hatchback Ritz, A star, Swift, Wagon-R, Estillo and sedans DZire, SX4 and Sports Utility vehicle Grand Vitara. Since inception in 1983, Mar uti Suzuki India has produced and sold over 10 million vehicles in India and exported over 500,000 units to Europe and other countries. The companys revenue for the fiscal 2010-2011 stood over Rs 375,224 million and Profits After Tax at over Rs. 22,886 million. Hyundai Motor IndiaMarket Share Passenger Vehicles 14.15% Hyundai Motor India Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of worlds fifth largest automobile company, Hyundai Motor Company, siemens Korea, and is the largest passenger car exporter. Hyundai Motor presently markets 49 variants of passenger cars across segments. These includes the Santro in the B segment, the i10, the allowance hatchback i20 in the B+ segment, the Accent and the Verna in the C segment, the Sonata Transform in the E segment. Mahindra & Mahindra Market Share Commercial Vehicles 10. 01%, Passenger Vehicles 6. 50%, Three Wheelers 1.31% Mahindra & Mahindra is mainly engaged in the Multi Utility Vehicle and Three Wheeler segments directly. The company compet es in the Light Commercial Vehicle segment through its joint venture subsidiary Mahindra Navistar Automotives Limited and in the passenger car segment through another joint venture subsidiary Mahindra Renault. In the year 2009, on the domestic sales front, the Company along with its subsidiaries sold a total of 220,213 vehicles (including 44,533 three wheelers, 8,603 Light Commercial Vehicles through Mahindra Navistar Automotives and 13,423 cars through Mahindra Renault), recording a growth of 0.6% over the old year. Mahindra & Mahindra is expanding its footprint in the overseas market. In 2009 the Xylo was launched in South Africa. The company formed a new joint venture Mahindra Automotive Australia Pty. Limited, to focus on the Australian Market. Ashok Leyland Market Share Commercial Vehicles 16. 47% Against the backdrop of the sharp slump in demand for commercial vehicles, during 2008-09, Ashok Leyland registered sales of 47,118 medium and heavy commercial vehicles (M&HCV), 37. 5% less than in the prior year.This includes 16,049 M&HCV buses and 31,069 M&HCV trucks respectively, 8. 7% and 46. 3% less than in the previous year. Hero Honda Motors Market Share Two Wheelers 41. 35% Hero Honda has been the largest two wheeler company in the world for eight consecutive years. The company crossed the 15 million unit milestone over a 25 year span. Hero Honda sold more two wheelers than the second, third and fourth placed two-wheeler companies put together. Bajaj Auto Market Share Two Wheelers 26. 70%, Three Wheelers 58.60% Bajaj Auto is ranked as the worlds fourth largest two and three wheeler manufacturer and the Bajaj brand is well-known across some(prenominal) countries in Latin America, Africa, Middle East, South and South East Asia. Despite falling demand in the motorcycle segment, the company has succeeded in maintaining an operating EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation) margin of 13. 6% of net sales and other operating inc ome. From 1. 66 million motorcycles in 2007-2008, the companys domestic sales fell by 23% to 1.28 million units in 2008-2009. Key Success Factors The key to mastery in the industry is to improve labour productivity, labour flexibility, and capital efficiency. Having quality manpower, infrastructure improvements, and raw material availability also play a major role. Access to latest and most efficient technology and techniques will bring competitive advantage to the major players. Utilising manufacturing plants to optimum level and sense implications from the government policies are the essentials in the Automotive Industry of India.Effective cost controls Close traffichip with supplies and goods distribution channels. Establishment of export markets Growth of export markets Having an extensive distribution/collection network Goods distribution channels fortunate industrial relations policy Ethical and tactical industrial relations Both, Industry and Indian Government are obli gated to intervene the Indian Automotive industry. The Indian government should facilitate infrastructure creation, create favourable and predictable line of credit environment, attract investment and promote research and development.The role of Industry will primarily be in designing and manufacturing products of world-class quality establishing cost competitiveness and improving productivity in labour and in capital. With a combined effort, the Indian Automotive industry will emerge as the destination of choice in the world for design and manufacturing of automobiles. Growth Potential 1. Increasing demand for vehicles Increase of disposal income ,easily availability of finance,invreasing consumer awareness and close linkage with global automobile trends.2. Stable economic policies adopted by successive Governments The Government of India has continuously made several reforms for the groeth of automobile sector in India. It has lowered the excise duties and have relaxed numerous policies to boost the local demand . Implemeentation of VAThas helped India to position itself as one of the leading low cost manufacturing sources . 3. Availability of low cost skilled manpower The cost of quality manpower in India is one of the lowest in the world .Each year the huge number of engineering graduates are produced who provide their skill at comprising salaries . 4. Quality standards Manufactured in India or Made in India brand is rapidly getting associated with quality. The Indian manufacturer have focussed on quality and most of the leading automobile manufacturer are ISO certified Key Challenges Faced by Indian Automobile Industry Indian auto industry is one of the most promising and growing auto industries across the world. But at this adjunction the Indian auto industry is facing various challenges catering to the growing domestic market.Recently, SIAM (Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers) organized an Annual Convention in association with the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises to discuss the current scenario of the auto industry as well as to define the key challenges faced by the industry. The meeting focused to pave a way to transform challenges into business opportunities and boost the status of automotive industry in India. Some of the key challenges discussed faced by auto industry are fuel technology and nurturing talented manpower.These challenges are explained below in detail Fuel engine room Technology is significant and needed to ignite the growth of auto industry. Whether its a two-wheeler or a car, technology drives the growth. The challenge of alternative fuel technology ensures a brighter vision of the auto industry in the country. The increasing environmental pollution has become a concern for manufacturers and all associated with the industry. All of them are struggling hard to come up with a holistic and integrated approach to reduce carbon dioxide emission.Some of the initiatives to reduce the le vel of automotive emission include introduction of fuel-efficient cars, obligatory periodic maintenance, and watch of automotives, designing automotives with recyclable materials, use of alternative fuels like CNG, LPG, biodiesel, and introduction of electric and hybrid cars. Car manufacturer like Maruti Suzuki has already introduced the new plan of using recyclable substance for car production in its fulgurant car Maruti Suzuki A-Star. After the production of Maruti Suzuki A-Star, the company thrives to apply the same impression in all its future car models.In addition, it is believed that the Bharat IV procession Norms are stringent and are to become mandatory in the future(a) couple of years. The growing industry is hunting for more advanced shipway and measures to meet the stringent norms. Some of the cars and other automotives may even be phased out during that period. Nurturing Talented Manpower Manpower and human resources has always been a key growth driver in any ind ustry including the automobile industry. Though India has a vast pool of talented and skilled professionals, the country needs initiatives and support to treasure these resources to excel in all arenas of the industries.Automobile industry is no exception and highly skilled manpower will further become the most reliable source of competitive advantage across the global as well as Indian automobile industry. More than even before creativity, innovative ideas, and expertise in distinguishable areas have become an asset these days. Talking about cars, car designers knock up their creativity in their designed car models and thats something which attracts car customers advertize to that, the industry has to foster the talent for servicing and maintenance as well.

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